Flexigester is an anaerobic digestion system that can use waste from the community to promote health, agriculture and employment. It helps to protect the environment, produces biogas that can replace charcoal and wood as a fuel source and captures plant nutrients so that they can be returned to the land to improve crop growth.
The biogas produced by the Flexigester is a smokeless fuel so helps to maintain a cleaner kitchen and reduce smoke related respiratory problems.
The system can be attached directly to a pour flush toilet, capturing all the sewage. Removing the waste from the vicinity can help to keep latrines free from odours and removes access to potential breeding grounds for flies and vermin, therefore assisting in preventing the spread of disease.
Waste water from kitchens and latrines is often disposed of in pits where it soaks away and is lost and can contaminate groundswater; the Flexigester retains all the water that is added to it, allowing it to be reutilised on the land as liquid fertiliser.